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Monday, November 29, 2010

Bold Reality: Somethin about those Atlanta Housewives

Bold Reality: Somethin about those Atlanta Housewives

Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 3 Episode 2 Review

Somethin about those Atlanta Housewives

In the past few weeks I have taken a huge interest in reality tv. Even though I have watched some shows for years, I find myself talking to the tv in either laughter or rage. So I decided to start a blogging place just for reality, so I dont have to bitch join me. The first thing I want to talk about is the Atlanta Housewives...Between, Kandi Coated Nights, babies being born 2 months early and divorce...Ya never know what's going to happen. I look at these women and think, aren't we in a recession?..They spend money like water, I guess it tough, when you're tryin to keep up with the Jones.. I wouldn't know, hell I am just tryin to keep up with the
Anyway, the show has its moments for sure...There is something to say about a Southern Bell, not sure what that is, but I am sure there is somethin to say...So join me Realate and share...looking forward to hearing from you...Peace